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Tesla versus Superman | Tesla gegen Superman

June 10, 2009, mkrause


The Media (Paramount Pictures) knew what they had in Tesla: the perfect gentleman scientist, who constructs weapons of mass destruction in his laboratory. Tesla, the iconic arch-enemy. Tesla’s death-ray was a complete hoax, with Titus de Bobula as architect and Tesla as the visionary scientist writing about their product to Her Majesty the Queen (among others) to become instant multi-millionaires. A perfect Hollywood dream, something to make real stories out of: Tesla became the perfect villain, and Clark Kent the perfect man, pardon: Superman – to save his girl Lois Lane out of the hands of crazed gentleman scientist Tesla.

Die Medien (Firma Paramount) wussten, was sie an Tesla hatten: Er war der perfekte Gentleman-Wissenschaftler, der in seinem Labor Massenvernichtungswaffen ersann. Teslas Todesstrahlen waren eine grandiose Gaunerei, mit Titus de Bobula als Architekt und Tesla als visionärem Wissenschaftler, der seiner Majestät (und anderen) das System anbot, um Multimillionäre zu werden. Ein perfekter Hollywoodstoff, aus dem man echte Geschichten machen kann. So wurde Tesla der perfekte Schurke und Clark Kent der perfekte Mann, pardon: Superman – der sein Mädchen Lois Lane aus dem Labor des total verrückten Wissenschaftlers (Nikola Tesla) zu retten.

  1. uuhh…well..i just came and stop by to do a research on this dude..hehhee…well yea..so..uhh..
    how is everyone???uuhh…yeah…uhhh…bye?

    Comment by jonny rancher — October 12, 2009 @ 10:58 pm

  2. Jonny,
    hey dude! So far, it seems everyone is good. But wait: if we go on like this, it will change rapidly. Awareness for the future of mankind is needed. Join!

    Comment by mkrause — October 14, 2009 @ 8:47 am

  3. People need to WAKE UP ,look at how illuminati is changing history and controlling us,fooling us.We need to do something to stop this,it seems like a lot of people now have heard about the illuminati,and seen clips on Youtube.But is anyone doing anything??????How can we just let this go on!?

    Comment by liiii — November 26, 2010 @ 6:44 pm

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